Sunday, August 5, 2012

CHAPTER 7:Scarlett’s Little Sleep Game

I was in her cleavage I could see some light I could feel the ground below me move up and down very slowly. I could feel her breathing, her skin was a so soft and smooth. I started crawling toward her big, sexy goddess like breasts, every time I moved she started to giggle a little as if she was expecting it. I didn’t know if she was still asleep or waiting to grab me telling me that it wasn’t “playtime” yet. In either case I was so freaking turned on by the sight of the two mountains that were her breasts.   I starting licking them, touching them hugging and rubbing my body against them.
As you can imagined I heard Scarlett wake up. She looked down at me and smiled. Picked me up licked her lips in the sexiest way imaginable and kissed my whole body, licking me a little in the process; I could feel her warm saliva run down my clothes as I got even more turned on. She then finally pulled me away. “Aww, whos a dirty little pet!”  she said this while throwing me on the bed and then touching her breasts, moving one figure around the left one while at the same time reaching for her bra strap, slowly. “ I can tell your enjoying this, tiny. Hell what male teenager wouldn’t. After all I own you and have total power over you, but I guess you realized that weeks ago, huh.”  She stopped and looked at me the same way she did when I played cat and mouse with her, the look of a mighty predator stocking her pray. She got into that very same crawling position. Crawled toward me slowly, saying nothing. Finally she grabbed me. “You know, Brian your review of Girl with a pearl earring REALLY PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!” As she said this her grasp got tighter and tighter.
“Scarlett, please stop I thought you were going to do this to the bastard who posted those pictures of you.”
She turned her head and chuckled a little. “Brian, you really think I’m going to kill you. I’m not, but you need to understand that actions have consequences, for example a couple of broken bones.”
“Please, please I’m sorry I didn’t mean to give it a 2 out of 10, I’m sorry. Please have mercy mistress.”
Scarlett threw me on the ground, as soon as I hit I felt that I was going to die. Scarlett then lifted her foot up in the air looked at me “YOU KNOW BRIAN I’VE HEARD THAT MOST MEN WITH THE GIANTESS FETISH ALSO HAVE A FOOT FETISH AS WELL.”
I ran away, but the impact made me fly a couple of her foot made me fly a couple of inches away.
I then turned around and started climbing her sexy legs to show how much I loved being her little pet. She got back on the bed and picked me up with her two fingers and put me back between her breasts. I started to touch them again they were so soft and comfy. She didn’t mind it since she put me there the first time I met her. I looked up and saw her smiling but I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen to me next since she was probably going to torture the shit out of me soon. “Scarlett please I want to be your plaything. How can I be a good plaything if I can move?”
Scarlett sighed and looked down at me. She took me out of her bra and took my left arm with her pinky figure and thumb and snapped it. “You’re lucky I didn’t make it worse you insect!!” Scarlett put me down on the ground and started crawling toward me like I was an ant. She put her entire hand on top of me. She then put me in her mouth, swashed me around like I was chewing gum and then finally put me back in her bra and went back to sleep.

Stay tuned for chapter 8